
21 Sep 2024 08:20

Mobile & Digital

Mobile key for local search

Search is going mobile – fast. That is the takeaway from a new Local Search Association study which indicates that most (60%) of local searches now originate from smartphone and tablets. This trend, find the report authors, is also defining a new consumer segment: the mobile fanatic.

More than half (60%) of US adults now prefer to use mobile devices for local search, choosing these devices over PC when searching for products/services.

“‘Mobile Fanatics’ are a new and growing consumer segment. Understanding where and how these consumers find information is critical to make sense out of the new path to purchase,” said Neg Norton, President at LSA. “‘Mobile Fanatics’ are ‘always shopping’ and considering products no matter their location, allowing them to be reached anytime and anywhere. The challenge becomes delivering relevant and engaging content when they pick up their devices.”

Some interesting findings from the report include:

•”heavy’ mobile device users conduct at least 10 local searches via mobile device each week

•Only 40% of US adults now use PCs to find products/service in the local marketplace, a 9% decline from the 2014 study

•52% of smartphone users search while in the car

•90% of all users say they’ve used mobile devices while in-store

•45% of ‘mobile fanatics’ use mobile devices in-store to access store apps

The researchers also found that about half (54%) of shoppers are using devices in stores to look for deals while 51% are using mobile devices in-store to compare prices.

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