
20 Sep 2024 05:13

Mobile & Digital

Retailer sites top way shoppers research

Retailers who want to increase revenue this holiday season should look at how product pages are set up. That is the takeaway from a new Lab42 study which indicates retailer websites are the top way shoppers find product details to research gifts.

Retailer websites need to create a shopper experience that is seamless, but they also need to provide information. Specifically product information. According to new data out from Lab42 retailer sites are the top way shoppers research their gift buys with social media coming in second. Just about one-third (37%) of shoppers research gifts via social media.

“Every year, we aim to gauge what matters to consumers as they do their holiday shopping and monitor how that changes,” said Jonathan Pirc, Founder of Lab42. “We were surprised to see that despite last year’s shipping delays during the holidays, consumers still found free shipping to be their preferred offer from online retailers.”

Some interesting findings from the report include:

•29% of shoppers will spend between $400 and $699

•32% will spend between $100 and $399

•91% say they’ll shop online this holiday season

•53% say they’ll shop online ‘more than in the past’

•71% say they’ll buy for themselves this holiday

•63% of women and 56% of men say they’ll set a holiday budget

As for how they’ll make the decision to shop Retailer A over Retailer B, the study indicates free shipping will continue to be a top draw with 40% saying free shipping would help decide where they purchase online items. As for the demographic break-down, women were most likely (42%) to view free shipping as the best online incentive. Discounts are also popular with 26% saying discounts will help make their purchase decisions.

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