
23 Oct 2024 11:04

Advertising & Marketing

2018 Advertising Expenditures in Japan

Detailed Analysis of Expenditures on Internet Advertising Media

Detailed analysis of spending on Internet advertising media jointly carried out by D2C Inc., Cyber Communications Inc. and Dentsu Inc. 

Three companies in the Dentsu Group have released a survey titled “2018 Advertising Expenditures in Japan: Detailed Analysis of Expenditures on Internet Advertising Media.” This survey analyzes the results of “2018 Advertising Expenditures in Japan” published by Dentsu in February 2019–and further breaks down data on Internet advertising media spending. The analysis presents data according to such variables as ad category, method of transaction, and type of device on which ads were viewed. Furthermore, it also includes forecasts for 2019.

In calendar year 2018, advertising expenditures in Japan totaled 6,530.0 billion yen. Internet advertising accounted for 26.9% of advertising expenditures, growing 16.5% compared with the previous year, to 1,758.9 billion yen. After excluding Internet advertising production costs, Internet advertising media expenditures amounted to 1,448.0 billion yen (up 18.6% compared with 2017), exhibiting continued robust growth.

The survey, which has been conducted since 2017, comprises estimates produced jointly by three companies in the Dentsu Group that operate in the Internet advertising sphere. 

Key Points of he “2018 Advertising Expenditures in Japan: Detailed Analysis of Expenditures on Internet Advertising Media” follow.

1. In the 2018 ad category breakdown, approximately 80% of the total media spend was for paid search advertising and display advertising.

Two ad categories–paid search advertising (39.4%) and display advertising (38.9%)–accounted for approximately 80% of the total. The next largest category was video advertising (14.0%). By transaction method, performance-based advertising accounted for approximately 80% of the total.

2. Mobile advertising media expenditures exceeded one trillion yen for the first time in 2018.

Within the estimated 1,448.0 billion yen spent on Internet advertising media, mobile media expenditures accounted for 70.3% of the total, amounting to 1,018.1 billion yen.

3. In 2019, Internet advertising media expenditures overall are forecast to grow 15.9%, to 1,678.1 billion yen.

Underpinned by strong growth in mobile advertising, in 2019 Internet advertising media expenditures are forecast to increase 15.9% overall, to 1,678.1 billion yen. This comprises 1,249.3 billion yen in mobile advertising (up 22.7%) and 428.8 billion yen in desktop advertising (down 0.2%).

4. Video advertising media expenditures amounted to 202.7 billion yen, and are forecast to grow to 265.1 billion yen in 2019.

The rapidly expanding category of video advertising recorded media expenditures of 202.7 billion yen in 2018, and are forecast to increase 30.8%, to 265.1 billion yen in 2019. Of this forecast, mobile video ads are expected to grow 39.3%, and become an important growth driver for the entire category.

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