
23 Oct 2024 11:04

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5 New Year’s Resolutions for Leaders

Whether you want to be more inspirational or need to learn the latest in recruitment trends, make 2017 your best year with these top five New Year’s resolutions to improve your managerial style and lead your team to success.

1. Delegate more

As a leader, you should never be afraid to delegate jobs and responsibilities to your team members. Unfortunately, many leaders forget this and try to micro-manage instead. This has a dramatic impact on the company and employee satisfaction, with a 2015 study by employee engagement firm, TINYpulse, showing that employees who felt micromanaged were 28% more likely to leave their job. As a leader you need to trust that the team members you have employed will be able to take on the work and do it to the best of their abilities. By delegating more, you will find you have more time to be a better leader and will empower the rest of the team to be accountable for their actions. 

2. Be consistent 

People like to know what to expect, and a sign of strength in a leader is consistency. Take time to reassess your work methods and make sure that everything you do is done in the same, consistent manner. Try to also moderate your mood – nobody enjoys working in an office where there is a sense of unpredictability concerning the boss. This will put employees at ease and ensure they know where they stand with you at all times. 

3. Be more organised 

Being in control is one of the most important things a leader can demonstrate, but can often get overlooked when day-to-day life gets in the way. If you are chaotic as a leader, you will not inspire your team members to be organised. Set an amount of time every day when you will focus on reorganising yourself, whether this involves making a to do list for the day or working with your assistant to file away important documents. By being more organised, you will naturally feel calmer and more in control of your work and your team. 

4. Be more creative 

Some of the most motivational and successful leaders have been those who have inspired others to be creative and think differently from the norm. Your role as a business owner is to inspire innovation and provide a platform for people to get creative when it comes to new and more efficient ways of doing things.  

5. Hire the right people 

A leader is nothing without a strong team around them, so when it comes to hiring new team members, diligence is everything. Don’t be afraid to hire people that are smarter than you. In management roles, there is no room for insecurities, so set your worries aside and put your mind to finding and hiring the best possible candidates for the role. 

Authored By Mike Hoff, Certified Gazelles International Coach and Founder of MHC

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