
19 Sep 2024 05:25

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The Changing Landscape of Media in the MENA Region: Embracing Digital Transformation

Shekhar Iyer discusses the The Changing Landscape of Media in the MENA Region

Apps will revolutionize the media landscape in MENA

Over the past two decades, the media landscape in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region has undergone a remarkable transformation. From the dominance of print and television in the late 90s to the advent of smartphones and the rise of social media, media consumption habits have evolved significantly. Here I would like to take you through the journey of media that I have personally experienced in my own two decades and the road to transformation that all of you witness today.

From paper (print) to palm (mobile phones)

In the late 90s, print newspapers and television were the primary sources of information and entertainment in the MENA region. Satellite TV networks experienced rapid growth, and newspapers were a staple for morning news updates. Radio ruled the airwaves during commute times, and outdoor advertising captured the attention of passersby. However, the advent of smartphones revolutionized communication and media consumption. By the years, social media platforms emerged, allowing individuals to share their personal lives, preferences, and opinions. Today, the engagement with media shifted to measuring metrics such as time spent, number of followers, likes, and shares, leading to a significant change in media consumption habits. The metric which will rule is MAU (Monthly Active Users) and DAU (Daily Active Users) largely for APPs, Desktop users have seen a drop it will have its own relevance and space but the numbers will be low.

Digital Media At The Centre

The UAE has the highest degree of digitization with 99% of internet users. Saudi Arabia isn’t far behind with 90% and Egypt, though at 71% adoption of internet, has the most room for growth. This is as per the latest McKinsey study in Jan 2023. With the availability of information being easily accessible on smartphones, the dominance of traditional media sources such as TV and newspapers began to wane. Media consumption became more fragmented, demanding more time from consumers. For the movers, digital media, with its ability to provide real-time updates and personalized content, quickly gained popularity. This shifted the focus of advertisers who swiftly adapted to this trend, focusing on digital media platforms and leveraging new adtech and metrics to measure performance and engage with their target audience effectively.

Apps are preferred digital channel

It’s been established that MENA consumers are mobile first: they overwhelmingly favor mobile apps as their preferred channel. If you see UAE, KSA and Egypt, here consumer engagement on apps that was 1.6 times higher than that of the developed markets of Europe and North America, where websites are still dominant. Accelerated digital adoption in the Middle East also makes marketplaces significantly more popular: consumers in the region interact with marketplaces at a rate that is similar to that of Asia but 1.7 times higher than that of developed markets in Europe and North America. In the Middle East, Egyptian consumers are the most reliant on alternative channels, with one in four users preferring alternative channels (such as social media, call centers, or instant messaging) over a provider’s website or apps. This makes me more confident that Xpresso by Dailyhunt will revolutionize the way content is served and consumed.

Content Still Remains The King

Content continues to rule this transformational journey. From organization-generated content to a blend of user-generated content, opinions, influencer content, and the voices of key opinion leaders, content is now served on a plethora of platforms. While the abundance of information can be overwhelming, the future looks promising for content creators and organizations that cater to the preferences of the new generation. It particularly noteworthy that consumers below the age of 35 prefer short-form content, delivered through formats such as web-stories (visual story telling) and short videos. TV viewing has also transitioned to over-the-top (OTT) platforms, allowing viewers to watch content at their convenience rather than adhering to scheduled programming. Appointment viewing still holds good for Live content (sports). But do not underestimate the power of long reads. The audience still holds good, especially if relevant, informational content is served that will empower the readers.

Data and Audience Insights

Good data holds immense value in various aspects of business and decision-making. It empowers organizations to gain insights, make informed choices, enhance efficiency, and meet customer expectations, ultimately driving growth and success. Marketers and advertisers are recognizing the value and urgency of high-quality data. The search for data-driven insights has become a priority, with brands focusing on leveraging their direct consumer relationships and first-party data. Behavioral planning is enriched with attitudinal overlays, and new methodologies are developed to gain a comprehensive view of consumers. In this changing landscape, content and context have become paramount, enabling advertisers to tailor their messaging effectively.

The Journey Ahead

The media landscape in the MENA region continues and will continue to evolve rapidly, driven by advancements in technology. Digital consumption on app is expected to increase significantly, creating new opportunities for content creators and advertisers. However, strategic thinking and adaptability are crucial to navigate this dynamic environment. Content and context will remain key, ensuring that media organizations and marketers engage their target audience effectively in an era of abundant digital options.
In conclusion, the MENA region has witnessed a remarkable transformation in its media landscape over the past two decades. The rise of digital technology, coupled with changing media consumption habits, has reshaped the way content is created, distributed, and consumed. Adapting to these changes is essential for media organizations and advertisers to thrive in the evolving media ecosystem of the MENA region.


Written by Shekhar Iyer,Director and General Manager, Dailyhunt MENA

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