
21 Sep 2024 04:29

Television & Cinema

SynProNize Acquires Four GMA Drama Series for Africa

Nitin Michael and Hasnaa Descuns, co-Founders of SynProNize, a Dubai-based content distribution and production company, announced that they acquired four top-rated dramas from GMA Network, the Philippines’ leading broadcaster and distributor of Filipino dramas for distribution into Africa.

The four drama series are:

A Place in your Heart: Sean hits rock bottom when his wife, Katharine left him for another man, but Audrey helps him pick up the pieces. Eventually, they fall in love. Sean files for annulment of his marriage with Katherine so he can marry Audrey. But his scheming wife suddenly returns with one agenda – to assert her right as his legal wife and to claim her share of his wealth. .

Heart and Soul: Crisanta and Criselda are fraternal twins. Because of a rare disease, Criselda dies but remains a spirit that only appears to her twin sister. Their bond as sisters falls apart when they both fall in love with Diego. Longing to live again, Criselda possesses the body of a girl to take Diego away from Crisanta.

Legally Blind: Grace is kidnapped and raped on the night she celebrates her passing of the bar exam. She manages to escape her assailant but accidentally crashes into a glass panel which permanently blinds her. Soon after, she meets Edward, a kind lawyer who helps her investigate her kidnapping and rape. Eventually, they fall in love and get engaged. As Edward uncovers the rapist’s identity, he discovers that it is his brother, William who raped Grace. Torn between his love for his fiancé and his brother, whose side will Edward take?

The Way to Your Heart: Natalie is a stubborn young lady who cannot accept that she is the daughter of Onay, a little person with achondroplastic dwarfism. Their life is going well until Onay is raped. Later on, Onay finds out she is pregnant with her second child, Maila. Because the baby is the result of her horrifying experience, she finds it difficult to accept Maila even if she grows up to be a loving and caring daughter. So goes the story of a mother longing for her first daughter’s acceptance, while her other daughter yearns for her love.

Nitin Michael stated: “The demand for Filipino dramas is swiftly on the rise and as SynProNize we wanted to ensure that our clients have the best content from GMA to choose from for their channels/platforms. We have grown our reputation to become known as the go-to company to take the best global programming into Africa, the Middle East, South Asia and we will source the precise broadcasters to give the best visibility and respect to these GMA titles.”

Roxanne J. Barcelona, Vice President, Worldwide of GMA Network said, “GMA is very pleased that SynProNize is taking four of our top drama series into Africa. All four programs: A Place in Your Heart, Heart and Soul, Legally Blind, and The Way to Your Heart have performed extremely well in other parts of the world and we are confident they will resonate well with African viewers.

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