
08 Sep 2024 03:29

Television & Cinema

Arabic Reality TV Shows 2015

Sequels to previous Arabic reality TV shows make up the largest share among the reality shows aired in 2014/March 2015

New research from the Arab Advisors Group reveals that out of the 17 analyzed Arabic reality TV shows aired in 2014/March 2015, 9 are original shows rather than licensed formats from global companies. The research also reveals that around 76% of the analyzed reality TV shows aired in 2014/March 2015 are subsequent seasons of reality TV shows aired in previous years. In 2014, 15 reality TV shows were broadcast on the selected FTA satellite channels while 17 shows have aired or will air in 2015. 

The increasing competition among satellite TV channels placed pressure on the Arab TV industry to offer new and quality content to maintain and withdraw viewers and advertisers. Reality TV’s attraction lies in its relative novelty to audience as well as its lower costs of production as participants are mainly regular people and not highly paid movie and TV stars.

A new report, “Arabic Reality TV Shows 2015” was released to the Arab Advisors Group’s Media Strategic Research Service subscribers on May 27, 2015. The 38-page report, which has 20 detailed exhibits, provides analysis of the reality TV landscape in the Arab world. The report includes analysis and profiles of seventeen major Arabic reality TV shows on seven FTA satellite TV channels during the period from January 2014 till March 2015, including the reality shows in production to be aired thereafter (the season 2014/2015).This includes locally produced as well as licensed-format-based reality TV shows. The content of the Arabic reality shows as well as the content of the original licensed format is discussed. The report points out the Arabic production companies that have played a role in the Arabic reality TV market. Besides the Arabic reality TV shows that were aired on the seven FTA channels, the report also overviews a selection of six Arabic reality TV shows that were aired during the studied period on other FTA channels

“Out of the 17 reality TV shows aired in 2014/March 2015, 13 are subsequent seasons of reality TV shows aired in previous years.” Ms. Hiba Rabadi, Arab Advisors Senior Research Analyst wrote in the report. “Moreover, out of the 17 reality TV shows aired in 2014/March 2015, 9 are original shows rather than licensed formats from global companies” Ms. Rabadi added.

The Arab Advisors Group’s team of analysts in the region has produced close to 4,125 reports on the Arab World’s communications and media markets.

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