
03 Jul 2024 15:01

Global Television & Cinema

BBC World Questions is coming to Michigan

On Tuesday 4 June, BBC World Questions will be coming to the USA to debate the country’s most pressing political, economic and social issues in front of an audience in Michigan’s capital, Lansing.

Inflation, jobs, immigration, the right to protest and the upcoming election will all be up for discussion with a panel of leading politicians and opinion formers.

The BBC World Service programme, which puts people and their questions at the heart of the debate, will be presented by BBC presenter, Anu Anand. Anu will chair the hour-long debate which will be led by questions from the live audience.

The panel will include:

Sarah Anthony – Democrat State Senator

John Damoose – Republican State Senator

Professor Matt Grossmann – Michigan State University

Kaitlyn Buss – Assistant Editorial Page Editor, The Detroit News

Jennifer Root –Executive Director of SEIU union, Michigan

Gwenan Roberts, Commissioning Editor, BBC World Service English, says: “What makes BBC World Questions special, is its ability to provide a platform for local communities to engage with leaders and make their voices heard. We’re excited for the upcoming conversations at World Questions in Michigan, which will offer international audiences a chance to learn more about this vibrant state.”

The programme will be recorded in front of a live audience on Tuesday 4 June at the Lansing Center, 33 E Michigan Ave., Lansing, MI 48933.

There will be a reception beforehand with refreshments starting at 6.00pm. Register to be in the audience here.

BBC World Questions: Michigan, USA will be broadcast on World Service English on Saturday 8 June. It will be available online at www.bbc.com/worldserviceradio, on BBC Sounds and most other podcast providers. It is produced by Helen Towner.

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