
08 Feb 2025 11:03

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Twitter’s Risky Gamble: The Cost of Abandoning a Multi-Billion Dollar Brand

In January of this year, Brand Finance valued the Twitter brand at just under $3.9 billion – a fall of over 30% from last year’s brand valuation of $5.7 billion. Fast forward a few months, and the brand’s value has likely seen some further fluctuations due to Elon Musk’s assertive management style, layoffs, and reduced ad revenue.

Despite the challenges, Twitter remained a multi-billion dollar brand. However, the recent announcement of Elon Musk’s decision to abandon the globally-familiar Twitter name in favor of something new has left many wondering about the potential consequences. What will giving up this multi-billion dollar brand cost the company, and how will Twitter/X navigate this change from a brand value perspective?

Let’s dive deeper into the complexities of this bold move and examine the precedents and potential learnings from other rebranding efforts.

1. The Cost of Abandoning a Multi-Billion Brand

Twitter, as a brand, has built a substantial reputation and recognition over the years. Brand Finance has issued valuations of the brand dating back a decade, with many ups and downs over this period. It is a platform synonymous with rapid-fire news, conversations, global community – and passionate online debate. Giving up such a valuable brand without a clear migration plan in place could be a risky move, likely destroying value that could have otherwise been preserved.

Brand value is an intangible asset that can be transferred to another brand if managed with utmost care. In Twitter’s case, a rapid abandonment of the brand without a proper transition plan risks further alienating employees, users, and stakeholders. The challenge for Musk and the company will be to find a way to preserve the essence of what makes Twitter special while signaling evolution and expansion.

2. Navigating the Change from a Brand Value Perspective

Elon Musk should be in salvage mode when it comes to brand value. A rearguard action is needed to reassure employees, users, and others that the core aspects that made Twitter great will remain intact despite the rebranding. It is vital for him to communicate that the change represents progress rather than a complete repudiation of its remaining brand strengths.

While Musk might want to create a new entity with a different positioning, a more strategic move might have been to create a new brand while capitalizing on the long-term value that Twitter still had to offer. This would have allowed for a gradual shift while maintaining the brand’s value during the transition.

3. Precedents and Learnings from Previous Rebranding Efforts

Elon Musk’s decision to rebrand Twitter is not without precedent. One notable example is Facebook’s transformation into Meta. Mark Zuckerberg’s move was strategically managed, and he took great care to introduce the new brand gradually through stages of endorsement. This approach helped preserve existing user sentiment while signaling a clear shift in the company’s focus.

On the other hand, there have been instances of both successful and unsuccessful brand migrations. HSBC’s acquisition of Midland Bank and Aviva’s rebranding from Norwich Union were successful examples of preserving value while undergoing a transformation


Twitter’s bold decision to abandon its multi-billion dollar brand is a daring move that comes with potential risks and rewards. While the transition could open up new opportunities, it also poses the risk of losing the essence of what made Twitter so beloved to its global user base. Elon Musk and the company must carefully manage the migration process, ensuring that stakeholders are on board and the brand’s core values are preserved.

Looking at successful and unsuccessful rebranding examples can offer valuable insights into the dos and don’ts of such a transformation. As Elon Musk takes on this challenging endeavor, he must learn from the past and approach the rebranding of Twitter/X with a clear vision, strategic communication, and a carefully staged migration plan. Only then can he hope to navigate this brand evolution and expansion successfully, while potentially unlocking new opportunities for the company and its users.


Written by Robert Haigh,Strategy and Sustainability Director,Brand Finance

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