
16 Feb 2025 13:31

Radio & Music

522 FM Radio Stations broadcast in 19 Arab countries

A new report from the Arab Advisors Group provides an analysis of the FM radio stations landscape in the Arab World. Private FM radio stations slightly outnumber Government owned ones in the Arab World: Arab Advisors research revealed that 264 local private FM radio stations broadcast in 19 Arab countries by September 2014. Additionally, the report analyzed 8 regional radio stations that broadcast on FM frequencies in multiple Arab countries. 

The number of private radio stations continues to grow in the Arab World due to liberalization in many Arab countries. Still, a few countries (Qatar, UAE and Yemen), do not yet allow private radio stations to broadcast. Algeria allowed the licensing of private radio stations, however by September 2014 all local FM Radio stations in Algeria were still state owned. 

In addition to the liberalization of the sector, all 19 countries analyzed in the report offered online streaming of their content via the stations’ website. Fueled by the increasing Internet penetration across the region, stations have been embracing online streaming to reach a wider audience. Some 68% of stations in the 19 analyzed countries offer live online streaming of their programs.

A new report, “FM Radio in the Arab World 2014” was released to the Arab Advisors Group’s Media Strategic Research Service subscribers on November 11, 2014.

The 116-page report, which has 65 detailed exhibits, provides a detailed analysis of the FM Radio regulations and landscape in 19 Arab countries. The countries covered in the report by September 2014 are: Algeria, Bahrain, Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Libya, Mauritania, Morocco, Oman, Palestine, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Syria, Tunisia, United Arab Emirates (UAE), and Yemen. The report includes analysis and profiles of the main FM radio stations (private and state owned) in the region alongside their online streaming availability.

“In the past years, the region has been undergoing a wave of political and social changes, with many governments altering their regulatory and licensing landscape. Consequently, a large number of private radios have been licensed and began their broadcast, increasing private radios in the MENA region by 48%, between 2011 and 2014” Ms. Joud Hazineh Arab Advisors research analyst commented.

“Iraq and Palestine continue to lead the way with the highest number of radio stations, and private radio stations, in the region. Algeria, on the other hand, had the highest number of state-owned radio stations, and alongside Qatar had all of their radio stations providing online streaming.” Ms. Hazineh added. 

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