
20 Sep 2024 20:27

Mobile & Digital

Instagram launches “Create Don’t Hate” (CDH) interactive sticker

Instagram has launched a “Create Don’t Hate” (CDH) interactive sticker globally designed to help people reject bullying on their accounts and embrace positivity.

When a viewer lands on a story with the CDH sticker, the tooltip will be there to show it is tappable. When a viewer taps on the sticker, it will trigger a bottom sheet that talks about Instagram’s commitment to fighting online bullying and options on how to use the sticker.

Expression is at the heart of everything that Instagram does and the launch of the sticker shows its continued commitment to creating a supportive community, free from bullying. “Create Don’t Hate” is a message of empowerment for Instagram’s community, and a reminder that Instagram wants the platform to be a safe, supportive place for everyone.

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