
11 Feb 2025 00:35

Mobile & Digital

Small screens driving audience growth to Netflix

Unique audiences visiting the Netflix website or app via a desktop/laptop, smartphone or tablet have increased by 48% when comparing Digital December 2016 ratings data to December the prior year. A majority of this year-on-year growth was driven by increased access via smartphones (+82%).


Nielsen Consumer & Media View reported that in 2016, of the 7.1 million Australians using subscription video on demand services (SVOD) in 2016, Netflix subscribers or users make up 2.8 million.

The important thing to note is that this growing group of Aussie Netflix patriots are definitely unique. And understanding how these consumers are adopting, interacting and using devices is paramount for other SVOD players to efficiently operate in this space. Compared to population, Netflix users or subscribers are 89% more likely to be 18-24 year olds. There is also a skew to young white collar workers aged 25-39 years old. They come from affluent households, with the average household income of $102,000, well over the national average of $88,000 per year.

Netflix users/subscribers are more likely to be trendsetters and opinion leaders within their social circle. Driven by their need to stand out from the crowd, they are always seeking new experiences and make the effort to keep up with the latest fashion. Netflix users/subscribers are also more likely to be image conscious. They describe themselves as affluent and are more likely to spend more on products of higher quality and consistent with the image they wish to convey.

And it appears the traditional date night of “Netflix and Chill” has been replaced by family night. Netflix users/subscribers are 22% more likely than the rest of the Australian population to have children. 1 in 2 Netflix users/subscribers have young children (under the age of 13) in the home.


What partners well with a Netflix binge-watch session? Snacks of course! Utilising Nielsen Consumer & Media View and Shopper data we took a deep dive into popular snacks enjoyed by Netflix users/subscribers. 65% of Netflix users/subscribers are main grocery buyers and compared to the rest of the Australian population, they are 12% more likely to have purchased popcorn, 36% more likely to have purchased microwave popcorn; and while 73% bought potato chips, they are more likely to have a preference for corn chips (11% more likely).  Below is a breakout of popular snacks purchased by Netflix users/subscribers.

Netflix has seen rapid growth since launching in Australia two years ago. Whether this is due to low cost, ease to access anywhere, anytime or a large selection of content – we are certain that it is becoming pertinent for marketers and advertisers to understand the unique Netflix audience.abia’s Historic Print Edition Launches

Authored By Monique Perry, Head of Media Industry Group, Nielsen

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