
15 Jan 2025 16:59

Mobile & Digital

Welcome to the future of advertising and social media

Every innovation has its risks, because I’m going to replace the right, by the doubtful, and even when true turns up so right, and doubtful whether so doubtful. This doubt so present in the head of large marketing directors has a response, you have to change because the world changed. Invest in Big Data platforms allied to Storytelling strategies that deliver a fully segmented content, according to their geographic location, and personal history are far from reality; but this is future. It will be the team of social media working with engineers and scientists.

It’s quite simple, it happens today in the entire world. 

The formula in advertising world that worked in the last 70 years, does not work anymore. Before coming to Y&R in Peru and starting to deeply study the Latin American market, I thought this problem of old paradigms breakage happened in some isolated companies in the United States, London and Brazil, but now I can see that it is a transformation process that is happening simultaneously across the world.

Increasingly, I am absolutely sure that this communication industry formula needs to be revised in a global level, not thrown away suddenly, but it needs to suffer an evolution. And this evolution comes only through a great disruption process. Technology always moves much faster than people, however human behavior does not change, it only changes as generations are replaced, and this are 25-year-cycles; now, we are starting a new cycle and we need to do differently, because the people who are entering the consumption wheel are really different, and have different values.

As professionals we must stop wanting to give a finish answer to our customers. Doing this, or that, and beginning to make the customer to truly question himself about the future of his business. This new world in which we live, is very different from the 1990s, when the secret to make your sales take off was to have a good creative concept, and buy a relatively large amount of marketing spaces on TV, Radio and some journals, and perhaps, who knows, make a banner on the largest internet portal in the country.

The history of making a banner, a web site or digital campaign focused on social media has to stop, the digital world must not exist separately, and the act of bringing technological solutions within enterprises should be a daily exercise. Large companies need to urgently change the modes that run their business. And logically, the greater the company, the greater it will be changing its direction, but if we do not change it we will walk all towards death, regrettably, remembering Kodak.

Today we are entering into a new follower of consumers with very different habits from previous generations, social networks for this new generation is not an isolated platform, and something which make those individuals. The Snapchat already the third most used social network, though the majority of brands are still not present promises therein, and this is a big mistake. The major brands are not looking at new, on the contrary they lose time insisting on an outdated business model and do not exploit the full potential of brand social conversion.

In search of building a sustainable future for the entire Industry, we need to create a working model that allows innovation inside the house manages immediate disruption, be it through technology, market conditions, and human behavior or by popular culture. Working with social media is simply not be closed to new, because today, exponential technology is present in our everydayness, and more than ever, everything changes, all the time. We must be prepared for these changes, not being afraid, and accepting that the change does well, it is normal to change.

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