
23 Jan 2025 01:41

Mobile & Digital

First Online Barter Shop launched in the UAE

Local classifieds website EZHeights.com wants to promote trading amongst its users and has launched the first online Barter Shop in the UAE. The Barter Shop provides visitors with the option to trade items, products or services with others for things, rather than spending cash. Bartering is the oldest form of commerce and users of the site will be allowed to trade goods they have for goods they want. By trading these unwanted or surplus items, both parties will be allowed to retain cash and keep their wallets happy.

The Barter Shop is currently available online at www.ezheights.com and encourages UAE residents to dig up their unwanted goods and swap them for things that they require. Unlike garage sales where unwanted goods are sold for cash, the Barter Shop is mutually beneficial for all parties and costs nothing.

“Introducing the EZHeights Barter Shop has been idea that I have had for a while” says Adham Saleh, Managing Director of EZHeights.com, “Residents of the UAE are constantly holding and attending garage sales and buying second-hand items from others so we know there is demand. With the EZHeights Barter Shop, we wanted to create a platform where both the user and the seller are exchanging needed products and goods – this could be from language exchange where two people meet and spend thirty minutes talking in Arabic and the following in English to improve each others language skills, or an iPhone being swapped for a digital camera. We are excited to see how the UAE community will use this platform.”

Promising customers free ads for life, EZHeights now has over 264 billion dirhams worth of goods on the site. The most popular categories for listings are property, jobs, and motors. Of the 264 billion dirhams worth of goods, over 249 billion dirhams of these are property for sale.  With recent reports showing evidence for a slowdown in the property market in the UAE, the value of property listings on EZHeights.com proves that there is still huge demand in the UAE.

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