
20 Sep 2024 11:35

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EMERGE Tech Conference: Unleashing The Potential Of Tech In Istanbul 2-3 October 2023

EMERGE Tech Conference is set to take place on 2-3 October in Istanbul, bringing together around 3,000 industry professionals, including 200+ investors, 500+ startup representatives, and 2,000+ tech talents from various disciplines.

This annual event is recognized as one of the largest international tech conferences in the New East, uniting startups, investors, and ecosystem players from Turkiye, MENA, CEE, the Balkans, and Central Asia.

Renowned venture funds such as Sequoia Capital and Atomico, Plug & Play, along with accelerators like 500 Startups, StartupWiseGuys, Techstars, and Rockstart, have participated in previous EMERGE conferences and some are planning to join this year. Esteemed speakers from Techcrunch, Grammarly, Bolt, Pinterest, Snap, TikTok, PandaDoc, and more have also graced the stage. The Istanbul conference will feature a lineup of exceptional speakers to be announced gradually in the coming weeks. Currently, 15 speakers have been confirmed, including representatives from Netflix, Skydeck Berkeley Fund, PandaDoc, and TechCrunch.

The EMERGE Tech Conference 2023 program will be held in English, covering the latest trends and hottest topics in the tech industry. With keynote talks, discussions, roundtables, workshops, startup pitching competitions, mentorship sessions, Tech Jobs Expo and CV screening, 1-on-1 networking opportunities, and matchmaking events, attendees can expect a comprehensive experience.

Of particular interest is the EMERGE Startup Challenge, where EMERGE supports startups in scaling globally and connecting with key industry players. Startups will have the opportunity to pitch their ideas to global investors, with incentives of up to $1mln investment consideration from Contribution Capital, a USA-based VC investing in seed and series A global startups. Additionally, startups will benefit from one-on-one sessions with angels and venture capitalists, inclusion in the startup catalogue shared with all EMERGE investors, and networking opportunities with top tech professionals from the New East region. EMERGE is proud to have facilitated over $30,000,000 in deals for previous startup success cases.

To further support startups in the New East region, EMERGE created the Tech Impact Startups Report. This report highlights technological impact startups with a global vision that are originally from CEE, the Balkans, Turkiye, MENA, and Central Asia. The report showcases companies that not only prioritize sustainability but also aim to solve social challenges. Participating startup industries include environment, healthcare and life science, construction tech, agrotech and promtech, and social goods and services. The objective is to connect these exceptional startups with potential investors, partners, and collaborators.

Startups interested in being featured in the report can apply for free. The selection process will be conducted by the EMERGE team in collaboration with their network of experts.

The EMERGE Tech Conference in Istanbul is set to attract over 3,000 participants, with 20% of them open to new career opportunities, according to a survey conducted by EMERGE. In response to this demand, the conference program has been expanded to cater to the needs of tech talent and provide opportunities for tech companies to find the perfect fit. Attendees will have the chance to visit the EMERGE Tech Jobs Expo, an offline marketplace where job seekers and talent scouts can network and form meaningful connections. Companies such as Social Discovery Group, will be present at the expo in search of top talent. Additionally, all the visitors will have access to the Startup Alley, a product showcase expo where they can meet potential clients, partners, media, and investors, as well as recruit team members. The conference offers a unique opportunity for individuals looking to introduce themselves to top tech companies and startups from the New East region, explore career changes, gain insights from HR representatives, and expand their network across emerging markets.

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