
25 Sep 2024 01:33

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SAP Names Mohammed Samy as Managing Director for Egypt

Mohammed Samy has been named as the new Managing Director of SAP Egypt. He replaces Hoda Mansour who has been promoted to Head of Business Process Intelligence (BPI) for SAP Europe, Middle East, and Africa.

An Egyptian national with more than 20 years of experience in the Middle East in successfully growing the technology sector, Mohammed’s primary focus will be to help Egyptian customers innovate and run their businesses at their best. In his role, he will accelerate SAP’s presence and in-country knowledge of best practices, while contributing to business sustainability and Egypt’s digital transformation.

“It is a great honor to have the opportunity to contribute to Egypt’s development and to digital transformation across different sectors and domains,” said Mohammed Samy. “We will leverage SAP’s unrivalled industry competence, innovations and technologies and spare no efforts to ensure that Egypt’s development and economic growth goals are achieved and surpassed.”

Under Hoda Mansour’s leadership, SAP completely transformed its position in the Egyptian market, working closely with the government, private sector, and startups to support the Egypt’s Vision 2030.

“It was a privilege to lead SAP in Egypt for more than three years”, said Hoda Mansour, Head of BPI, SAP EMEA South. “In my new role, covering 75 countries, Egypt will continue to be a focus for me, leveraging the country’s digital leadership as a springboard for working with customers and partners to drive innovation and sustainability goals across my new region.”

“Powered by innovative technology, the opportunity for best-run business in all sectors in Egypt is remarkable,” said Sergio Maccotta, Senior Vice President, SAP Middle East South. “Under Mohammed Samy’s inspiring leadership, we very much look forward to partnering with our customers and partners on the next exciting chapter of digital transformation.”

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