
29 Sep 2024 01:28

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Dubai Media City Launches GAME_ON Series to Tap UAE’s Growing Video Game Market

Instagram Live sessions zero in on gaming industry in collaboration with ON.DXB

Inaugural session features Dubai’s ‘Game Guru’ Ahmad Al-Natsheh, Founder and Lead Developer of Khosouf Studio

Dubai Media City has announced a new Instagram Live series called GAME_ON featuring regular video game development workshops hosted in collaboration with ON.DXB.

Ahmad Al-Natsheh, Founder and Lead Developer of Dubai-based Khosouf Studio, which has produced everything from VR-powered skydiving experiences to light-hearted mobile apps, will kick off the inaugural workshop on Thursday, 14 May, at 15:00.

Sharing his knowledge and experience of 3D modelling, rigging, animation, sound engineering and VR, Al-Natsheh will outline how aspiring developers can turbocharge a career in video game development here in the UAE.

Dubbed the ‘Game Guru’, he will also shed light on important technical details, such as the right engines for each genre and the core elements of game development. There will be an opportunity to ask questions on a range of topics at the end of the session.

The conference comes against the backdrop of a booming multimillion-dollar video game market in the UAE. Dubai is supporting this growth with an enabling environment, state-of-the-art infrastructure and services to improve the ease of doing business to help entrepreneurs and regional developers roll out the next big video game.

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