
04 Oct 2024 17:21

Advertising & Marketing

Millennial brand ambassadors – A safe bet?

Millennials see themselves not only as consumers of products and services, but also as creators resulting in memes, fan fiction, and even self-professed brand ambassadors using social media and video. This is good news for brands looking to tap into the Millennial market.

Millennials are more likely to show off their purchases to friends and head online to write product reviews than older counterparts. This, coupled with their drive to share, their hunger for information, and their desire to consult online social contacts and media before making a purchasing decision, makes for the perfect brand ambassador.

The bad news for brands is that in order to earn a Millennial’s loyalty they must demonstrate their role in society and the wider world. Recent research into what values make Millennial women loyal to a brand found that 51% believe brands should give back to society instead of just making a profit. Almost as many (49%) believe companies should do more to protect the environment, a brand philosophy 39% would pay more for.

Millennials rely on online reviews and are savvy enough to have a ‘feel’ for the genuine article. Furthermore, they like authenticity. Brands must, therefore, give Millennial ambassadors the freedom to talk openly and honestly about products and services and steer the messaging away from being obvious advertising. When a Millennial brand ambassador feels their opinions are valued and respected this further deepens a sense of brand ownership and investment.

Ultimately, your brand ambassadors are going to want a reward for their focus on a brand. However, thinking only in terms of cash does not acknowledge their desire to feel a part of a brand nor the importance they place on social and environmental issues. Consider giving brand ambassadors roles and responsibilities within the wider marketing team, make them privy to upcoming initiatives, and involve them in product launches and development.

Alternatively, provide Millennials ambassadors with the tools to effect change on their community and environment by heading up local initiatives such as a litter pick up event, fundraising, or supporting a local cause. 

Data sourced by BizReport.

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