
30 Sep 2024 21:27

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The Most Quotable Moments From Dreamforce 2019

Every year at Dreamforce, certain quotes from many of the world’s most influential and thoughtful people bubble up and get shared across news outlets, blogs, and social media. 

This week, we heard epiphanies from business and government leaders, entertainers, athletes, Trailblazers, and more. Here are the 10 quotes from Dreamforce 2019 that stopped us in our tracks, along with photo highlights.

“As we move into this digital revolution, we can squarely say that this fourth wave of computing is now upon us … We’ve moved from systems of record, where many of us started in the industry, to systems of engagement … We moved from systems of engagement to systems of intelligence … Now we’re moving from systems of intelligence toward something in computer science we’ve been talking about for years: the single source of truth.” – Marc Benioff, Chairman and Co-CEO, Salesforce.

–  “If the tech industry has the freedom to innovate, they also have the responsibility to create — create pathways to new professions, pathways that are inclusive of everybody, pathways that are equitable and accessible, because it’s going to take all of us to close the skills gap.” – Leah McGowen-Hare, Vice President of Trailhead Evangelism, Salesforce 

–  “What Customer 360 means is really breaking down silos with a cohesive platform.” – Bret Taylor, President & Chief Product Officer, Salesforce 

–  “There is a lack of trust in how technology will be harnessed and leveraged for the betterment of humanity … As a young person with a physical disability, I can’t overstate how important technology is for the improvement of our quality of life as human beings.” – Eddie Ndopu, U.N. Secretary-General’s Advocate for the Sustainable Development Goals rter.

–  “It’s a trust revolution. Everything is changing in our industry. Everything is changing in our work.” – Marc Benioff, Chairman and Co-CEO, Salesforce 

“We are shifting now into a time of responsible social corporations … you have an ability to pursue profit and success, but at the same time genuinely and fundamentally be part of an absolutely transformative generation.” – Richard Curtis, Film Writer and Director and United Nations SDG Advocate 

– “The cost of inaction now outweighs the cost of action … if we don’t fix gender equality today, the losses that we will incur will be more than if we fixed it in the first place.” – Gail Gaillie, Co-Founder Project Everyone 

– “Middle management is where diversity goes to die … so I’ve come to the conclusion that CEOs need to break the wheel and do things that are radically different.” – Sallie Krawcheck, CEO and Co-Founder, ElleVest

– “I got my first Trailhead badge and I thought, ‘I can do this.’ It paid off — I’ve got five certifications, I’ve been working for an amazing company for the last 2.5yrs. I just purchased my first home. It’s had a huge impact — not just for me, but for my family.” – Sheldon Simmons, Board Member, Merivis 

– “We believe in building a better world together. Whether it’s quality education, or focusing on climate action and saving our planet, we should all be passionate about these goals.” – Keith Block, Co-CEO, Salesforce

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