
06 Oct 2024 00:03

Advertising & Marketing

New York Festivals Young Global Awards Announces 2018 Finalists

Finalist Teams include 2 from Columbia College Chicago, Lycoming College Pennsylvania and SupdePub School of Communication France

New York Festivals Global Awards® Young Globals competition & internship program has announced the 2018 competition Finalists.

This year, the Young Globals entries were up a staggering 300% over last year and the competition received student submissions from 4 continents around the globe.

The Young Globals, now in their 4th year of championing young creatives, is the only college/portfolio school competition for healthcare advertising that offers students an opportunity to submit their creative work based on a challenge brief provided by the sponsoring agencies. The competition provides students with a chance to take on a truly topical issue and the opportunity to earn a prestigious Global Award, as well as the experience to test drive their career in healthcare advertising. Launched to identify and recognize emerging creative talent from around the world, Young Globals introduces students to the rewards of working in the healthcare and wellness advertising industry.

2018 Young Globals Finalist Teams:

Team “End the Opioid Trend” – Columbia College Chicago, USA

Kyle Albaugh – Copywriter

Anielle Debenny – Art Director

Rachael Kim – Strategist

Team “Lethal Madness” – Columbia College Chicago, USA 

Michelle Miles*

Kathleen Mentzer*

Christian Blakley*

*(shared responsibilities for art direction, copy, and strategy)

Team “#usealternatives” – SupdePub School of Communication, France

Aymeric Chevalier – Copywriter

Dimitri Szymansk – Art Director

Team “Opioid Gang” – Lycoming College, Pennsylvania, USA (team of 1)

Nam Do*

*(responsible for art direction, copy, and strategy)

Students were invited to create a speculative campaign inspired by a challenge brief for the (fictional) National Opioid Addiction Prevention Council  for their project Push Back on Opioid Use. Students were asked to raise awareness about non-opioid alternative pain options as well as opioid addiction and target the audience that feels personally immune to the possibility of becoming addicted to opioids, underestimating how quickly an addiction can occur when simply using prescribed opioid medications.

Finalists were selected by the 2018 corporate agency sponsors Publicis Health/Saatchi & Saatchi Wellness and Calcium. Teams led by Kathy Delaney, Global Chief Creative Officer, Publicis Health/Saatchi & Saatchi Wellness. Steven Michaelson, Founder / Chief Executive Officer, Calcium evaluated submissions to determine student entries achieving Finalist status.

All 2018 Finalist teams will be interviewed by the Young Globals sponsoring agencies to determine the 2018 Young Global award-winner. Award winners will receive the prestigious Global Award, have their work showcased at the 2018 Global Awards ceremony and will be given the opportunity to experience a paid internship, (minimum of one month) based on their availability, at this year’s sponsoring healthcare agencies.

Both Calcium and Publicis Health/Saatchi & Saatchi Wellness agencies will partner as official corporate sponsors as well as mentors for the next generation of young creatives by providing internship opportunities to the 2018 competition’s winning team. 

The annual Young Globals competition is open to all college and university students, including portfolio centers, who are exploring advertising, marketing, art, design, creative writing, technology, or similar areas of creative focus. 

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