
08 Sep 2024 04:58

Advertising & Marketing

Letstango.com and Zasttra.com choose C1X SOKA, to reform their e-commerce advertising goals

Committed to assist the large and growing merchant community at every step in their growth in this ever growing e-commerce ecosystem

C1X (Class One Exchange), an independent Advertising and Marketing Technology (AMT) leader has tied hands with two very competent; Dubai and South Africa based ecommerce marketplaces Letstango.com and Zasttra.com, to help them find difficult-to-source audiences directly and transparently. 

C1X’s platform called the SOKA helps merchants promote products using native and customised advertisements on its platform- the seller bidding platform to advertise, execute and manage product campaigns. It can immensely boost visibility of products and maximise product views, helping vendors increase their business.

Commenting on the partnership, Pawan Setpal, VP & Head of Business Middle East & Africa said, “We’re extremely pleased to partner with LetsTango and Zasttra to launch SOKA, C1X MarTech offering specifically designed for e-commerce platforms, in Dubai/SA. Ancillary revenue makes up a significant amount of revenue for marketplaces globally, directly impacting their bottom line. SOKA not only helps create ancillary revenue but also helps create a more robust marketplace. In LetsTango/Zasttra we’ve found a partner that understands the value of creating a holistic marketplace and we’re very happy to supplement their existing efforts that’ll enable both our companies to grow. With thousands of data touch points, we not only equip platforms and merchants to visualise their inventory capacity, GMV, campaign stats, etc. but also help generate key business insights that allow them to make smarter more informed decisions around their business.”

Expressing his views on the association, Ahmad Naser – GM, Letstango.com – Dubai, UAE said, “C1X is a great platform to leverage native advertisements, we are looking forward a win-win situation for both our sellers and customers. C1X can help Letstango sellers to promote their products in few clicks with a small budget; it can help us to improve the seller engagement & sales on our platform. C1X ad solution can help the Letstango seller to enter the most prominent position in search, category or home page in few clicks.”

“We are looking forward to being able to offer retailers/merchants an alternative method of advertising and selling their products online. Instead of many methods of advertising (price comparison sites, search ads, and display ads), they will have a one stop place to advertise their products and sell while we take care of the digital marketing for the zasttra.com, making selling for online retailers easier and increasing their sales in our growing online store.” Stated Adewale Adejumo – CEO Zasttra.com – South Africa.

He further added “I think C1X has provided a solution to us as an online store, marketplace and an advertising channel. The solution provided by C1X is needed for any marketplace to see growth. I believe that any budget spent wisely on marketing will be recovered through the PPC solution offered by C1X on Zasttra.com. The main benefit is the ability to now compete with price comparison websites in South Africa.”

C1X SOKA, a data-driven digital advertising platform facilitates a friction-free marketplace. It has a solution for any marketplace websites like e-commerce, travel, listings or property sites to have additional source of revenue without actually putting developments effort on a SAAS (Software as a service) based model. SAAS being its unique proposition, it is native to the website and very easily integrates with the existing interface for partners/merchants, the websites have for running the marketplace.

This offer allows the partners/merchants a chance to showcase and up sell their offerings and get heard above the crowd. In general only TOP 10-15 percent of the merchants show up on the TOP, discouraging the others to put in effort to sell their merchandise on the platform. This platform gives other merchants an equal footing and also helps consumers, as these merchants using the platforms may have great offers. The platform helps the merchants, the website and the consumers to grow the overall pie. Also, the overall Business Intelligence C1X platform provides will help Product / Sourcing teams to take call on the categories to augment their ecosystem.

Founded in 2014, C1X is a funded global corporation, headquartered in the Silicon Valley, with offices in New York, Dubai, Singapore, Tokyo, Mumbai, and New Delhi, and with development centers in San Jose, Chennai, and Bengaluru, find C1X online at www.c1exchange.com.

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