
18 Oct 2024 09:34

Mobile & Digital

The Future of Enterprise Mobility in the Middle East

The technology needs of the #GenMobile audience is clearly different from the past: we are no longer limited by the static connectivity setup in the 90s between a desktop PC, an IT server room and a set of printers. Technologies that we are accustomed to in our social lives are making their way into the enterprise. And there is no better time than this for IT networking teams to think different. These big waves of technology shifts in the market, the consumerization of computing devices and the applications they enable, are out of IT’s control:

Mobile devices are connecting to the network as users pick their favorite flavor of device type and OS.

IoT devices are connecting to the network as facilities teams are aiming to improve efficiencies in how their real-estate resources are being utilized.

Cloud based apps refresh their features and functions on an ongoing basis through continuous innovation.


The changes in the IT landscape – uncontrollable nature of mobile, IoT and cloud, and the impact of the decisions made by other line of business leaders outside of IT – clearly represent a challenge for IT networking teams. And it is our firm belief that the next set of best of breed IT organizations will be defined partially by how fast they find solutions to some of the headaches we are highlighting here:  

With the arrival of high density of mobile devices and unpredictable nature of mobile apps, legacy network operations will not be able to keep up with new demands for faster deployment, configuration and troubleshooting.  

As digital collaboration teams invest in the use of new mobile collaboration tools, inability to deliver deep forensics into quality of user experience will prevent business leaders to easily improve workplace productivity and realize RoI.  

To stay compliant with cybersecurity requirements, headless devices (IoT) and BYOD will continue to require automated onboarding and security measures, given the sheer size and scope of these implementations.  

Enabling seamless mobility for every employee of the business will require IT networking teams to quickly enable consistent network access to cloud services whichever office locations users may roam to.  

And as business development and marketing teams invest in mobile engagement tools to increase revenue and/or productivity, management of the associated network infrastructure will fall on the shoulders of the IT networking teams.


Group of employees defined by their preference for mobility both in terms of the devices they use and their approach to work.  

Tendency for non-traditional work hours, demand flexible work locations over higher salaries and request reliable internet. 

Own three or more connected devices (62%), and feel most productive when working from home (57%).  

Attached to their mobile devices that they are 15 times more likely to give up coffee. 

Research findings 

The ability to hot desk was seen as paramount by many employees, UAE (31 per cent) 

Four out of every ten finance organizations admitting to having lost data through the misuse of a mobile device in the Finance Industry 

In the Finance Industry 56% will disobey their managers to get complete a task — while three-quarters are happy to take IT issues into their own hands without getting in touch with their IT department. 

89% of healthcare employees assume their IT department will keep them protected; 

37% of healthcare have given up work device passwords to colleagues, family members and others  


-Automating, not just securing IoT – IoT is a well-known buzzword across many industries and IT managers everywhere are grappling with an onslaught of new “things” coming onto their networks. While security is top of mind, beyond this, IT must automate the security process to quickly accommodate these new devices and scale their networks.  Automating onboarding and security processes – including the fingerprinting of devices to create policies – will be the next important step in IoT.

-Predicting Network Behavior – In 2017 and beyond, enterprises will recognize the need to move beyond basic network management to a more predictive model.  Visibility will become the hot topic in network management, with IT realizing that you can’t manage what you can’t see.

-Analytics and Indoor Location Services – While numerous use cases have emerged over the past few years for location,, many businesses are trying to move beyond simple location apps to utilizing location-based information to improve customer loyalty, determine how best to invest their time and resources, and increase revenues. In the coming year, we’ll see enterprises increasingly using analytics to determine how best to use the information they’re gathering through location services.

-Integrating Third-Party Apps into the Network to Deliver Mobile-First, IoT-Ready Networks – One of the important challenges facing enterprise IT is keeping up with the rapid pace of innovation. With new mobile technologies emerging, users wanting more flexible options in the workplace, and the increasing number of IoT devices looming on the horizon, enterprises need to move quickly to ensure that their networks are prepared. For these reasons, one of the key trends in 2017 will be a move to integrating third-party applications into the network and, as a result, a move toward more open, software-based network platforms.

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